I'm getting big - but seriously - MUST PEOPLE SAY THAT TO MY FACE?! "Wow, you're getting huge?!" HOW RUDE....compared to others this far along, I'm still small...(thanks to those of you who have told me this!)!
Let me tell you...having a "fat" day is going to have a whole new meaning now that I have experienced carrying a baby...I feel like a lost whale who has landed on a beach...in other words - I feel like a beach whale...
McBaby is continuing to grow...are you surprised by this!?
I've gotten used to the feet being lodged in my rib cages...I'll get you back some day sweetie...maybe your High School Prom ;)
We have our first baby shower this weekend too! I am so so so excited! My amazing girlfriends are putting it on for me here in Austin :) I seriously love these women! I'll post pictures after the event!
I had called my mom recently with some "pregnancy" questions (not sure if I was having problems or not...called Dr. and we're good to go), but she informed me that "If you go into labor, you better wait to deliver until I get home!" Yeah...okay! Pretty sure if I were to deliver you'd have to fly here!
Although -I can't imagine having a baby and NOT having my mom around afterwards...either way - McBaby is cooking until March :)
Other news...our cats are FAT! That's right! The vet has put our cats (mainly Kix) on a very intense diet! These dang felines are meowing at us ALL THE TIME...we thought they were needy before...now that they are STARVING they won't leave us alone!
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