We have a ton of snow in our yard, but it is hard to tell exactly how much due to the fact that so much has drifted. There are parts where you can still see the tips of the grass or even the driveway, but then there are other parts that the drifts are up over 2-3 feet high! I'm not really sure how much we've gotten!
Poor Josh will have to move it all...LUCKILY...we w
Now Josh just has to blow the snow...
No he's not lazy and Yes he could shovel...but we have a very wide, long driveway, so it makes it tough...and with the drifts...we are so thankful for the Verdoorn's!!
At 26 w
McBaby is weighing in at 2 whole pounds! Can you believe it! Well, according to the books he/she is at 2 pounds! And a whole 9 inches tall :)
McBaby is also opening his/her eyes now! They recommend taking a flashlight and flashing it at my stomach! McBaby may respond with some kicks in that area! McBaby can also hear and respond to sounds. I told Josh he better start talking to my belly now so McBaby will know exactly who his/her daddy is :)
Did you know that ALL babies inside the uterus have blue eyes!? No matter their ethnicity. I find that to be extremely interesting. McBaby may come out with blue eyes, but they may change after 6 months. Will they be blue like daddy or green like mommy?? ALTHOUGH...my eyes were brown until I was in about 9th/10th grade-then they changed green. Weird, I know!
My stomach is growing rather quickly as well. My students are very quick to remind me how big I am getting! I can still wear all of my "small" t-shirts and one pair of my normal jeans. I choose to wear maternity clothes everyday for comfort!
Looks like my list of things to do today needs to get started now! I want to have everything clean and organize
I heart snow days :) Just hope we don't have "too" many of them to cause any problems for my maternity leave...we get
All of my Christmas decorations are up, my tree is lit (and cat free) and all of our Christmas presents are wrapped and under the tree, ready to give to everyone! I LOVE my new Willow Tree Nativity set! I have been wanting this for a few years now, so I am so so so happy Josh let me buy it when it was 50% off the entire set :) I didn't buy 1 piece...so I'll have to go back when they have another sale to purchase it :)
Love the Willow Tree Nativity! My Mom just sent me an "early" Christmas gift w/ the mary/joseph set in it! I'm hoping to collect the rest of the next few Christmas'!