On Saturday, July 14th, Josh and I packed up our family, swim gear and a picnic lunch and headed to Stewartville to join the other MOM's (Mothers of Multiples) and their families at the Stewartville Public Pool.

It was quite the deal actually! We paid $10.00 for our family, and we were able to go swimming from 10-12 with so many other amazing families :) The pool opened up for our club only! There were so many multiples running around - twins, triplets, quads...you name it, they were there...with their parents too :) It was really an amazing sight to see! And the greatest part - although I don't know EVERYONE in the club, I do know a few friendly faces...for those faces that I didn't know, I didn't feel awkward talking to anyone, because for the first time, Josh and I were in a situation where we were in the EXACT SAME BOAT as everyone else. For most, they have "been there, done that"...so many wonderful families had so many wonderful pieces of advice to offer! Josh and I (mostly myself) was able to openly talk to these individuals about what we are going through...and they get it!
The boys relaxing Pool Side :-)
My kids at the pool!
Don't get me wrong, I welcome advice from others, especially when it comes to trying new and different things...but like these families - we are going through this with two babies. Thank you to those of you who offered new advice for us, and for helping reassure that we are doing things right...and that it's okay to feel the way we do sometimes!
Callie absolutely LOVED the pool. This was our first time in Stewartville, but I can tell you that it will NOT be our last! Why Austin does not have a pool like Stewartville's pool is far beyond me. Josh and I were even able to go down the water slides :-) I felt like a kid again! Callie loved watching her daddy go down the slide!
The boys enjoyed their day out too! They sat in the shade - pool side! Everyone was coming up to them and reminiscing over the time their babies were that small :-)
Haha - Get him Callie :)
Callie swam for the full two hours and loved every minute of it - I'm pretty sure she would have stayed longer had we let her! After our time was up, the whole MOM's Group and all of our families headed over to this beautiful park in Stewartville. Seriously - I had no idea Stewartville was this great! The park alone was kid approved and there was a little pond for fishing (if you fish)...
The boys chillin on mom! Collin was comfy until Carter decided to lay on him!
Now that all of the MOM's were dry (not in swim suits), the boys received a lot of loving :-) Melanie was claimed by Collin as he spit up...ALL OVER HER...I'm sorry Mel, but I prewarned you :-) Melanie has quads, so to hold 1.5 month old babies at the size they are is a HUGE change from what her kids weighed!
This was a wonderful day and I couldn't have had a better time! Angela, thank you for sharing your daughters with our kids...Callie had an amazing time playing with all 3 of your kids and I know the boys were hitting on them :-)
Callie with her new friends! The two in front are twins! New babysitters :) :)
Anne, Thank you for organizing this wonderful afternoon! It was much needed and we feel so blessed to have so many new and wonderful friends!
who's the ripped guy with the sweet farmer's tan..he's dreamy!