This Thanksgiving, we celebrated with my side of the family. My mom hosted Thanksgiving, as she does almost ever year, and does a FANTASTIC job :) This year there were 19 people in attendance :)
My mom showed Josh and I this picture she found of me when I was a little girl (probably a couple months older than Callie is now). For so long (okay, since Callie has had curls), I thought the curls came from Josh's side of the family (his mom's side)...I have been wrong all along. Both Josh and I looked at this picture and said, "Wow - Callie". My Grandma later chimed in claiming she remembers me with little "ringlets" - but they eventually grew out (probably at the age of 3)...
So here it is - look for yourself :)

Callie even shares my love of shoes :) hehe!
Thanksgiving morning began like any other morning :) A blessing to start another day :) Callie was waiting, all her "Kiki's" (blankies) in hand ready to for some attention :)

Being at Gramma & Grampa's house, routines change! Since the table was completely set with my mom's fine china, Callie was able to eat her breakfast in the living room while watching cartoons (we never let her eat food and watch tv at the same time). She loved it :)

Soon it was time to play and explore all of the things Gramma has hidden away :) Like my old bear that a friend gave me when I was in high school ;) Callie LOVED was so big that it was hard for her to carry around :)

Time to get dressed and ready for the day :) I had two super cute outfits (that Sharon picked out for her!!!), but wasn't sure which to have her wear, so I had Callie pick based on the shoes she would need to wear WITH the dresses :) She chose her black dress shoes so she wore her super cute pink kitty dress :) She sure does love her daddy :) She clung to his side all day! Two words: Daddy's Girl :)

While Gramma was getting things ready for Thanksgiving, this hungry momma was sampling EVERYTHING :) Callie was enjoying it too! She wasn't a fan of the black olives, so she wanted to see if baby liked them :) Hehee!

Mommy, Daddy & Callie went to Walgreens to do some Thanksgiving couponing :) SCORE! Callie ended up getting a match box car, because that is all she wanted :) She's fascinated with cars...and we're okay with it :)
When we got back, it was time to prepare for everyone's arrival :) I love this picture of Callie - such a little ham :) I've been trying to get her to smile more in's her "Show us your teeth" smile :) LOVE IT!

She really enjoyed putting puzzles together with "Gampa" - Grampa :) ...

Stealing chips from her Great Grandpa (my mom's dad)...

And snuggling up next to daddy :) Mommy got Callie a HUGE bowl of grapes, because there were just too many chips involved in this little girls snacking :)

You can't really see Callie here, but I am holding her! All the ladies were prepping the Thanksgiving meal :) Let me just say - Callie and I were the official samplers :)


I seriously love this girl more than anything :) After we're done giving kisses, we break away saying, "Muah"!!! She's my girl :)

Thanksgiving meal time :) Uncle Bill, his girlfriend Mary, Cousin Steve & his better half, Rachel! Seriously Steve - I LOVE RACHEL :)

Huge gang at this table :) Cousin Michele & her husband Donnie - who some how snuck in with a Packer jersey... Josh & Callie, Cousin Bill, Grandma Schwartz, my dad, Grandpa Schwartz, Saresse(my cousin Bill's fiance), my mom, My Uncle Don & his girlfriend and her kids :)

Look at all that yummy food :)

On Tuesday, Callie was staying with my parents because we had conferences, Callie and my dad made ALL of the pumpkin pies :) Seriously the pictures my mom sent me are priceless - my dad is much more brave than I am :) But she loves pumpkin pie :)
Look at the length of her tongue :) Hehe

Here Daddy, this is your pie that I'm eating. How about you have one small bite :)

Callie was having so much fun playing with Dane! She liked his shoes and hat so much that she wore his shoes and wanted to wear her hat! No joke, she was asking me for her hat :) They were playing catch together :) What a kid!

After everyone had left, it was time for Miss Callie to head to bed! With lots of love and some stories, it was time for Callie to go to the Blankie Fair :)
Alyssa came over and we were preparing for our Black Friday Shopping! I took a couple pictures of my mom and dad...I wanted to capture the end of the evening and how exhausted she was! Thank you mom, you really can make the holiday's feel special :)

Alyssa and I scored big on some Black Friday deals :) I seriously look forward to this's SO MUCH FUN to just get out and be apart of the chaos :)
Happy Thanksgiving from the McRae's!
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