Ever since she was a baby, I would use her feet & hands for projects, but now - she gets to be the artist! I simply show her what to do with one or two examples, and she does it!
The brain is a wonderful thing - she doesn't know what to do - she has to be taught what to do :) Maybe that's the teacher part of me coming out, but when I demonstrate/model it - she can do it :)
Here are the materials needed:
1 green & 1 brown/tan pipe cleaner
lid (I use these as my glue/paint plates - simply wash and reuse!)
lid (I use these as my glue/paint plates - simply wash and reuse!)
green construction paper
orange pom poms
orange glitter (optional)
Next I showed Callie how to dip her pom pom into the glue and put it next to the "vine".
Here she is busy at work :)
I cut up some of the green pipe cleaner for "leaves". I tried having her dip it into the glue and then put it next to a pumpkin, but that was very difficult! So instead I put a swipe of glue next to a pumpkin and had her put it in the glue...that seemed to work best!
Here is her final project hanging up on our wall :)
I love it!! I am totally gonna do stuff like this with my kid someday! :) Makes them SMART :)