Who would have thought that a year ago, Josh and I would be welcoming in the most PRECIOUS gift we ever imagined! Callie Lynae has turned one. That year did fly by, I will be the first to admit it! Looking back and seeing how quickly she has grown and how much she has learned in one year. I know I could make a huge blog of all the things Callie has learned and all of the milestones she has achieved; however, I have done this in many blog posts, so I won't repeat myself!
Little Miss woke up at 6:45 AM on her VERY first birthday! It was about that exact time one year ago that I was given an epidural...in case you were wondering!
She was bright eyed and bushy tailed from the moment we greeted her on this fine Wednesday morning!
She was all ready for her day! She was sporting her Birthday Girl shirt to wear to daycare today! I was very jealous of Jessica (daycare provider) that she got to spend the day with Callie on her first birthday, but I knew that Callie would get SO MUCH LOVE that I was able to handle it!

Jessica took several pictures at daycare for us! We brought cupcakes over for her family to share and celebrate :) It was a half day for our school district that day (staff had to work a full day), so her kids were going to be home to play with Callie on her big day :)
We had family photos taken the Sunday before Callie's birthday, so we saw her dig into her birthday cake already...so we were okay with Callie having a birthday cupcake at Jessica's house :) It was such a beautiful day out too - Callie was able to play outside on this nice springy day (just a few short days before MN got dumped on again!)

We took Callie's LAST "Month" picture! She's a big girl now and doesn't want these darn signs!

Of course there needed to be a family photo :) The moment we walked in the door to our house, Callie be-lined it for her toys! We had a birthday present sitting out and she got right into it! So it looked like she wanted to do presents right away - so we did :) She got a new shopping cart with play food and LOVED it! She pushes it around all over the place :)
She was having a GREAT time opening her presents! I think she liked the wrapping paper more though! I have a series of pictures where Callie is going up and down with the paper-it would make a great flip book!
We had Callie's favorite meal for dinner that night...spaghetti :) We think this is her favorite, because she gets REALLY excited when we eat it, and she shovels it into her mouth...it's almost like she can't get it in fast enough.
Callie's birthday party was on Saturday, March 19th! We had so many family and friends come down to celebrate! Josh and I wore matching shirts that read, "Mommy of the Birthday Princess" and "Daddy of the Birthday Princess". I was so happy Josh agreed to wearing it :) Callie's shirt had a big #1, a crown on the top corner that had her name written in it, and the words "Birthday Princess" going through the #1. Her butt had a little cupcake on it that had "3-16-10" in it :) I also made her tutu and her birthday hat (in later pictures).

Daddy's little girl :) I just love these two more than anything! I can't even imagine what my life would be like without them in it. Boring and lonely - that's for sure!

Every month, I had been writing down Callie's age and then using an ink pad to cherish the size of her hands and feet at that particular time. The early months were a battle, but I am so glad I stuck with it :) We can cherish this memory FOREVER! It's amazing to see how much she really grew from one month all the way to twelve months...WOW!

Her birthday party was pink and purple themed giraffes :) Callie likes giraffes and as her mother - I chose pink and purple :) This was my first party cake and I had SO MUCH FUN making it! I will be VERY modest here...I think I did a darn good job :)

Callie's cake was the giraffe cake. For everyone else, I made giraffe cupcakes :) These were so much fun to make, and they were VERY tasty!

Callie received so many wonderful gifts from all her family and friends. She didn't want to open them, because she wanted to be off playing with the kids, but she stuck with it and had a good time :) After her presents, we headed upstairs for the cake :)

She wasn't too sure what to think of her birthday cake, but she enjoyed it for the most part :) I personally think she liked the giraffe cake so much that she didn't want to dig into it :) It was too pretty!

Family photo opp! This pretty much describes her run of the house :)
Our little ham! She ended up having a blast just rubbing her hands all over the frosting! I was enjoying watching it fly onto my cupboards, onto our sliding glass door, on the floor - everywhere! But honestly, she is one clean kid! It did not end up in her hair, it did not end up on her clothes...just her hands, arms, and face :)

I could eat this hand :)

Callie's Grandparents all made it down :)
Here is Callie with my mom and dad-Gramma & Grampa!
Callie and Grandma Lynn :)
Callie with Grandpa Don & Sharon!
And this picture I just could not resist! After everyone left, a small group of us went to Steve's Pizza for dinner. Callie skipped her morning nap and stayed up for her entire party :) She finally crashed at 4:00 in the afternoon. We woke her up about 5:30 and went out to eat :) Seriously - an amazing girl! My sister Colleen and her boyfriend Herold were a couple of people who went out with us (Auntie Kayla, Grandma Lynn & Larry). Herold is so fun to watch with Callie! He is always afraid he is going to break her, but I think he was quickly learning that she isn't THAT fragile anymore :) This picture is beyond cute...hopefully one day, Callie can call him "Uncle Herold" (hint hint) :) :)

Happy FIRST Birthday Baby Girl! Your mommy and daddy will always love you, will always be here for you, and will ALWAYS throw you a fun birthday party! Because on March 16, 2010, you blessed our lives more than you can ever imagine :) March 16th will forever be a day to celebrate :) We love you Princess!!!
Love, Mommy & Daddy XOXOXOXOXO
PS - Kix loves you too, but asks that you stop pulling his tail! He likes your hugs...just not the tail pulling!
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