I wanted to add more pictures, but our Internet was acting up and it kept denying my upload...that and I'm too tired to try for the 5th time.... You'll have to check out my Facebook pictures to see them all!
On Friday, October 22nd, I drove to Mankato in the early morning. I was dressed in my new business suit - that looked amazing I might add - ready to defend my efolio! I wasn't nervous like I thought I would be; however, I had a feeling of "Holy crap, I'm almost done with my admin license".
I went into my interview and NAILED IT! Seriously - the principal that determined if I would pass or not kept referring to me as "Phenomenal!" It was such a great feeling to hear him say, "Congratulations, you've passed!" He also kept saying my whole name, "Cori McRae - WOW!" Seriously - that's what he said!
Josh took me to "The Crave" to celebrate my latest accomplishment! I officially have my Administrative License and can be a building principal! Now I just need to find a job :) Callie stayed with Grandpa Don & Sharon while Daddy and I went on a fancy date (bottle of wine and all at dinner)! She had such a fun time :)

Callie also had the opportunity to carve her VERY FIRST PUMPKIN!! She really enjoyed getting her fingers all full of pumpkin goop! We gave her some of her shape toys to determine which shapes she wanted cut out of her pumpkin! She came up with circle eyes and a square nose! I gave her a smile with two, very noticeable, bottom teeth!
My Grandparents had a Birthday dinner for my mom the Friday of Halloween weekend, and we needed a sitter, so it worked PERFECTLY! I drove up, spend the evening with the fam, and went home-without Callie :( My mom and dad kept her for the weekend (lucky folks). It was right when Callie was just starting to crawl too, so I had a hard time saying goodbye :(
But, Josh and I were throwing a HUGE Halloween party at our house! We had 20 friends over, and seriously had a GREAT TIME! Here are a couple pictures from our party (more pictures are on Facebook).
Very cool Cori! Congratulations!! :)